Email Guides and Essays
by Kaitlin Duck Sherwood,

  • Top Ten Tips for Overcoming Email Overload
  • Top Three Anti-Spam Filters

    About Overcome Email Overload with Eudora 5

    About Overcome Email Overload with Microsoft Outlook 2000 and Outlook 2002

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  • Can I Use Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express to Access my AOL Email?

    Because AOL doesn't have good facilities for handling massive amounts of email, you might want to use another email program to access your AOL email. Many people ask me if it is possible to use Outlook or Outlook Express to send/receive/read their AOL email. The short answer is that it's not easy.

    You Can Use an AOL to POP3 Translator

    I have heard of software from eNetBot that will translate from AOL mail to regular POP3 email. (POP3 is the technical name for the email standard that essentially all programs but AOL use.) If eNetBot works as claimed, you should be able to use Eudora, Netscape, Outlook 2002, Outlook 2000, Outlook Express, or any other POP3-compliant email program. (NOTE: I have not actually tried eNetBot myself.)

    Before you run off, I want to discourage you from using Outlook Express. It's free for a reason -- it doesn't work well for everybody. OE's filters are limited enough that the only way it can group messages is to move them into different folders. Unfortunately, many people have trouble keeping track of their "to-do" messages when they are spread across several folders.

    I highly recommend Eudora (and have no financial interest in the company). It's got oodles and oodles of features and is really good for people who get lots of email. It has a bunch of features that you probably won't care about, but if you buy my Eudora book, it will tell you about the features you need while ignoring the ones you don't need.

    Outlook 2000 and Outlook 2002 have a lot of features, but it's harder to use. If you're going to use Outlook, I strongly recommend buying my Outlook book.

    You Can Use Netscape or Claris Emailer Easily

    If you are just looking for a better email program than AOL has, you can use Claris Emailer (Mac OS only, no longer sold) or Netscape (version 6.1 or later) to read your AOL email.

    In February, I plan to start writing Overcome Email Overload with Netscape 6.1 or AOL. Sign up if you're interested in reviewing early drafts or buying the final book.

    If None Of These Ideas Look Good

    You are probably here because you're frustrated with how long it takes you to get through your email with AOL's built-in email program. You might want to buy one of my books on how to deal with too much email. Only about three chapters of either book are specific to what email program you use. There is also a lot you can do to get through email faster by
    • Spending less time on responses
    • Hiding from junk emailers
    • Getting fewer and better messages by writing more effectively
    Of my two books, I would recommend the Eudora version for you. You can read some sample chapters (skip Chapters 2, 3, and 4 if you use AOL).

    Whatever you do, good luck managing your email!

    Kaitlin Duck Sherwood
    Updated 25 January 2002.